Governments Want Total People Control
“Unbelievable” was my first reaction when I started reading about the Polk Parkway tollbooth in the Tampa area that doesn’t like cash. As I read on, I realized this was more than a government snafu; it...
View ArticleFreedom of Speech: The 27th Annual George Orwell Free Speech Awards
Imagine you are the parents of three young children. Imagine one of those children runs and falls into your precious little girl, landing harshly on her head. Discovering your child’s injury, you rush...
View ArticleMass Hysteria: Government’s Age-Old Boogeyman by Jane Gaffin
Has the world suddenly gone bonkers? Well, no. The world seemingly has been afflicted with mass insanity since time immemorial. Hi-tech toys merely allow the madness to be refined. Eavesdropping on...
View ArticleCanadian Musicians Demand Internet Censorship on top of Taxpayer Subsidies
If I were a Canadian musician I would like to think I’d be ashamed to be associated with Music Canada or it’s chief whiner, Graham Henderson. This self-righteous yahoo believes the only way to save...
View ArticleMinnesota’s Courageous Reform of Civil Asset Foreiture Law
Five years ago scandal over the horrific abuse of Minnesota’s civil asset forfeiture law rocked the state. Their Metro Gang Strike Force (disbanded in the wake of the scandal) among others, grossly...
View ArticleCivil Asset Forfeiture and the Lack of Due Process
I’ve written on civil asset forfeiture a lot lately and in response to my latest article, BC Civil Asset Forfeiture Office Proud to Steal From Mere Citizens, I received a email from Zoey DeGarmo asking...
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